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Handle with Care...

Handmade leather is a material that should be handled very carefully when at all possible. Often times, customers may not realize that there are certain things that should and should not be done when cleaning and taking care of your leather goods. Some cleaning products could damage your product.

After leather is scuffed or damaged, it will never be the same again. Not to worry- leather ages well. However, if you are one to keep yours in a pristine condition, here are the best products to use when you do maintain.

One, aerosol water repellents. This is the most common product most people use on their leather products to keep damage from wreaking havoc on their most valued items. Aerosol repellents are made for quick and easy, yet effective applications. This spray allows your leather goods to withstand the elements and maintain shine while doing so. There are several different brands that are of great quality.

Two, cleaners and conditioners. These two things are staple items if you own anything leather. First, you want to clean your leather. It will remove all dirt and stains that would get in the way of conditioning properly. It will also set a great foundation for repairing what might be damaged and maintaining what is not. Next, you would want to use your conditioner. A little goes a long way and using the leather product will make your item smooth and supple with a great protectant layer.

Thirdly, is any type of oil. Leather oils protect the fibers in leather that are new, while enriching the fibers that may be a little damaged from your regular wear and tear. They can also bring life back to old leather, or leather that has been damaged in the past.

These three steps will help you maintain a healthy, beautiful leather product. You can stop by or call our store at any time and Brian will direct you to the care system that is best for you, your product, and your budget.

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